What is the price for TelTape for z/OS?
TelTape is priced competitively, and licensed by CPU serial number. Please inquire by using the “Contact Us” form.
Which tape management systems does TelTape support?
TelTape’s primary support is for IBM’s DFSMSrmm (Removable Media Manager), and CA-1 Tape Management System. TelTape also includes facilities to work with a VMF database (CA-TLMS), ICF catalogs, in-house “custom” systems, and even with no tape management system.
Tape datasets are created with all kinds of proprietary software packages, and may even originate on non-System z, or non-IBM platforms. Can TelTape still copy the data?
TelTape is designed to copy whatever data is recorded on the tape. Because TelTape uses the EXCP access method, any data blocks up to 256K in length can be copied. Since some products record volume serials in their own database, TelTape by default automatically recognizes and bypasses tapes that are controlled by External Data Managers such as CA-DISK, CA-View, DFSMShsm, EOS, FDRABR, INFOPAC, TSM, and ViewDirect. Such tapes are migrated using the product’s “recycle” utility, so you need not pay extra for a software tool to migrate these tapes.
In what country is Cartagena Software located?
Cartagena Software Limited is a privately-owned Independent Software Vendor (ISV) with its home office located in Canada. See our Partners page for information about our International Distributors.