Speedview is a report management tool that extracts reports from the JES SPOOL. Reports can be viewed online through the ISPF interface, and are retained online for a specified time period. Once expired, reports can be automatically deleted, or moved to an offline archive.
The offline archive is a generation defined group (GDG) of datasets. Offline reports are retained until the report’s GDG is rolled out by the system.

Writer Process
The Speedview Writer Processor extracts reports based on selection criteria that are defined in folders. Reports can be stored based on the JES output group, JOB datasets, or JOB.
- Output Group
A report is generated for each output group selected - Dataset
A report is created for each dataset processed - Job
A report is created for each job processed
Each report will have an active expiry and an online expiry date. The active expiry date specifies the period of time during which the report remains on the active queue for display. After the online expiry date, the report is deleted or moved to an offline archive file.
An archived report can be reloaded, and then viewed or printed. A reloaded report remains online for 3 days.
Reports can be e-mailed to specific e-mail addresses, or routed to an IP printer, or even routed back to JES.